Giving or sharing is
as much a need as getting!! Interesting!! This never struck me till recently. I
was thinking that someone who is focused / who finds joy in giving not just
from getting is a more evolved soul!! But it just struck me that any compulsion
is a limitation - irrespective of whether it is giving or getting.
Giving could be in
different planes of life - physical/materialistic, intellectual or emotional!!
By physical/ materialistic I mean the likes of I cooked tasty food and I
want to make money out of it or share with those who are close to me or any one
near me or any one that needs it!! Intellectual plane means, I have invented /
discovered / learnt something intellectually intriguing or beneficial to others
and I want to make money out of it, share with who are close to me, any one
near me or any one that needs!! Same is with emotions!! I have an emotion, I
want to share with those who are close to me, any one near me or any one that
would enjoy the emotion / share / heal / benefit from the emotion; there could
also be "make money out of it" if I can generalize or make it
sensational or if I am a celebrity :-)!!
We can clearly see
the evolution curve across giving too - who are we giving, why are we giving
and how much are we giving etc. play into it!! In fact what we are giving could
be a critical fact too - giving left overs / anything that we don’t want for ourselves
/ anything that feels more like a
liability than an asset or giving what we still need/enjoy or giving what we consider as
precious or even more grand - we create something only for the purpose of
But it is
interesting that getting is most often associated with "need" and
giving is not!! What I am realizing is, if you feel like giving and there is no
one to receive, immediately it starts to feel like a need!! When people want to
get more than they need is named as greedy!!
Some people may want to give more than what they have/can/should or what
others can/should hold / receive!! Why would that not be categorized as greedy?
Of course, giving only to limited people is related to greed sometimes! But
giving to wider audience is never related to greed!! To me that feels like
greed too!! I am trying to curtail my greed in that space after I realized
How can I be
like wild flowering plant - I create something or blossom because it is my
nature; if anyone enjoys the flower or not does not matter!! Or even better, how can I be like a river…. flow in the path I enjoy, let anyone enjoy the flow of the river
or water or anything that grows in the river or even let them grow in the river
if they want to… it is okay even if none of the above happens… the river still
continues to flow… hmm… interesting… how can I evolve to this level??